Category: Art

painting, sculpture and architecture

About Bulgaria

Bulgaria – the country with old history, with rich historical, ethnological and cultural heritage, with beautiful nature.
Bulgaria lies in southeastern Europe, bordering Romania, Serbia, the Republic of North Macedonia, Greece and Turkey. Its northern border with Romania follows the Danube River until the city of Silistra. To the east, Bulgaria has the Black Sea coast that is one of the most beautiful in Europe. Bulgaria also has four large mountains with unspoilt national parks and charming ski resorts.

Away from the commercial resorts, Bulgaria is practically unknown to tourists, but that is its magic – there’s hiking in untouched landscapes, endangered flora and fauna and an emerging village style accommodation and food.

Unlike the ethnical rioting in some Balkan countries before some years, Bulgaria remained a “peace island” on the background of these events. Bulgaria today is politically and economically stable. Despite this, it’s a considerably cheaper place to vacation than the rest of Europe.


Archaeologia Bulgarica

Archaeologia Bulgarica

Author: Co.
ISSN: 1310-9537
Cover: paperback
Text in English

Archaeologia Bulgarica is a scientific journal that has been published since 1997 without any interruption. The journal is ranked “INT2” by the European Reference Index for the Humanities and covered in Scopus. It is peer-reviewed journal about interdisciplinary research in archaeology of Southeast Europe. The journal features studies and reviews in English, German and French. It is published every four months. Archaeologia Bulgarica’s editor-in-chief is Dr. Lyudmil  Vagalinski, associate professor of classic archaeology at the National institute of archaeology with museum (Bulgarian academy of sciences).
Editorial board: Prof. László Bartosiewicz (Budapest, Hungary); Prof. Florin Curta (Gainesville, Florida, Usa); Prof. Inci Delemen (Istanbul, Turkey); Prof. Haskel Greenfield (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada); Dr. Jean-Luc Guadelli (Bordeaux, France); Prof. Ulla Lund Hansen (Copenhagen, Denmark); Prof. Boris Magomedov (Kiev, Ukraine); Prof. J. Megaw (Adelaide, Australia); Prof. Aristotle Mentzos (Thessaloniki, Greece); Prof. Marcel Otte (Liège, Belgium); Prof. Thilo Rehren (Doha, Qatar); Nikolay Sharankov (Sofia, Bulgaria); Dr. Rastko Vasić (Belgrade, Serbia); Prof. Jak Yakar (Tel Aviv, Israel).

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Bulgarski ezik

Bulgarski ezik

Author: Co.
ISSN: 0005-4283
Cover: paperback
Publisher: Bulgarian Language Institute at The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Text in Bulgarian

“Bulgarian langurage”. The journal’s articles and reports, published four times a year, provide authoritative work on wide range of linguistic themes covering phonetics, morphology, lexicology and syntax, both synchronically and diachronically. All materials are peer-reviewed and thus it becomes an adequate reflection of the methodological innovations of the members of the Institute and their most serious attainments. A valuable part of those publications is the Bulgarian linguistic bibliography complemented by the international work in the field.
“Bulgarski ezik” offers scholarly answers to social needs concerning speech culture. It contains regular columns on arising questions and themes of language use and practice. 
Being the centre of scholarly publishing in the field of Bulgarian language studies “Bulgarski ezik” attracts authors from all universities of the country. The Editorial Council includes the most influential international scholars of Bulgarian who in their turn raise its prestige among experts in the field of Slavonic studies.

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Author: Co.
ISSN: 0204-4021
Cover: paperback
Publisher: Cyrillo-Methodian Research Centre
Text in Bulgarian
Summary in English

The international peer-reviewed journal “Palaeobulgarica” is dedicated to complex study of the problems of Bulgarian medieval written culture, which are closely related to the cultural development of the other Slavic countries, of the neighbouring Balkan countries, as well as of the spiritual and cultural phenomena and processes throughout Europe.

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Répertoire des manuscrits grecs enluminés (IX e – X e s.) Vol. 1

Répertoire des manuscrits grecs enluminés (IX e – X e s.) Vol. 1

Author: Aksiniia Dzhurova
Year of publication: 2006
ISBN: 9540723736, 9789540723730
Pages: 326
Cover: hard cover, big size
Publisher: UI Sv. Kliment Okhridski
Language: French and Bulgarian

The edition is that the initial volume of the Repertoire of adorned Greek manuscripts from the most important assortment in Balkan nation, enumeration concerning 460 units of IX to XIX century, unbroken at the Centre for Slavo-Byzantine Studies “Ivan Duichev” to the  University “St.Kliment Okhridski”. This assortment includes Greek manuscripts from 2 giant monasteries of Northern Ellas – “St. John the Precursor” close to Serres and “St. M. Ikosifinitsa” close to Drama, furthermore as from the non-public libraries of professors Ivan Duichev, Asen Vasilev, Petur Dinekov, from the Bulgarian capital University Library and from purchases and donations since 1988, when the Center ”Ivan Duichev” was open.
The first volume provides a whole repertoire of ornamental decoration and miniatures of eleven Codes and half dozen fragments from the IX-X century.

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Répertoire des manuscrits grecs enluminés (XI e – XII e s.) Vol. 2

Répertoire des manuscrits grecs enluminés (XI e – XII e s.) Vol. 2

Author: Aksiniia Dzhurova
Year of publication: 2021
ISBN: 9789540755083
Pages: 454
Cover: hard cover, big size
Publisher: UI Sv. Kliment Okhridski
Language: French and Bulgarian

The book examines the repertoire of Greek decorated manuscripts from the XI-XII centuries.
Table of contents:
Manuscrits bibliques
Manuscrits patristiques
Manuscrits hagiographiques

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Repertoire des manuscrits grecs enlumines (XІII e – XІV e s.) Vol. 3

Repertoire des manuscrits grecs enlumines (XІII e – XІV e s.) Vol. 3

Author: Axinia Dzurova
Year of publication: 2022
ISBN: 9789540755236
Pages: 482
Cover: hard cover, big size
Publisher: UI Sv. Kliment Okhridski
Language: French and Bulgarian

The edition is a result of nearly 50 years of research by the author of the largest collection of Greek manuscripts preserved on the territory of Bulgaria, spanning the chronological range from the 9th to the 19th century. Of the over 450 Greek manuscripts, half of them are from the 9th-14th century period. From them, the author has selected 86 in view of the peculiarities of their decoration.   Each volume contains a preface outlining the peculiarities of the different types and styles in the decoration of the respective period; annotations to each manuscript, with an emphasis on the decoration and illustrations and its location within a wide geographical area, covering both the production of the Constantinople workshops and those of Mainland Greece, as well as production in the eastern and western Byzantine provinces. Each manuscript is also represented by color illustrations.

The series is intended for specialists in the decoration of medieval manuscripts, but also for teaching students of Greek palaeography, codicology and art history, in a word for those interested in medieval codex culture in general. The three volumes are also of interest to researchers of the Slavic manuscript tradition, which developed in direct connection with that of Byzantium, but also suffered its own modifications and interpretations. In general, the research is the result of the author’s long-term studies in the field of model-recipient, center-periphery relationships, scriptoriums and traveling writers and calligraphers.

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Magnificent icons in Bulgaria
IX-XIX century

Magnificent icons in Bulgaria
IX-XIX century

Author: Georgi Parpulov
Year of publication: 2021
ISBN: 9786199074169
Pages: 224
Cover: hard cover, big size
Language: English

“Magnificent icons in Bulgaria IX-XIX century” Luxury edition  Magnificent icons in Bulgaria is a project of METHODIVS BOOKS publishing house, representing one hundred Orthodox Christian icons, created in the span of a millennium – from X to XIX century, currently part of the collections of the National Archaeological Institute with a museum at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, National Gallery/Museum of Christian Art, National Museum of Ecclesiastical History and Archaeology, National History Museum and Rozhen Monastery “Holy Nativity of the Mother of God”.
This priceless heritage of centuries-old icons, certifying the indisputable Bulgarian contribution to European and world art, is still not well known in our country and around the world. This publication is aiming to promote in a distinguished and technically innovative way the wonderful examples of Bulgarian Christian art.
Author of the texts is the renowed Byzantine scholar Dr. Georgi Parpulov. The selection of the icons is done by the publisher Methodius Petrikov. What is excellent about the captions is that Georgi Parpulov, who is an internationally recognized authority on Byzantine and Bulgarian art, give a great deal of evidence in a short and succinct manner. Information is given about the state of painting and where there have been later restorations and repairs, and in some case re-painting. Also valuable is that the original inscriptions on the icons have been transcribed, and their contents well laid out. All are dated, and these attributions are well considered and accurate, despite the well-known difficulties of dating Orthodox church icons. The photographic printing for this book is excellent, and certainly makes the quality of the works chosen stand out. I am sure that this book will become a landmark in the appreciation of icons in Bulgaria, and it will renew interest in their importance.

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The Ancient and Medieval City of Perperikon. Volume 1. The Acropolis

The Ancient and Medieval City of Perperikon. Volume 1. The Acropolis

Author: Nikolay Ovcharov, Zdravko Dimitrov, Daniela Kodzhamanova, Konstantin Dochev, Dimitar Stoimenov, Nikolay Sharankov
Year of publication: 2021
ISBN: 9786197629040
Pages: 556
Cover: hard cover, big size
Publisher: Unicart
Language: English and Bulgarian

This book is an account or decades of explorations conducted on a grand scale on Perperikon, one of the best-known archaeological sites in Bulgaria. People lived on this famous hill near Kardzhali 7,000 years ago, in the Late Chalcolithic. A sanctuary was built there to function well into the Bronze, the Early and the Late Iron Ages (second-first mill. BC). With the Roman conquest at the turn of the Common Era, a major city was founded there, flourishing in the medieval period until it fell to the Ottomans in 1362 after a long siege.

The book goes into detail about, first and foremost, the ancient and medieval periods of Perperikon within the city’s fortified part, the Acropolis. The structure of the city is established, in the first instance, in the Roman and Late Antique periods to arrive at the conclusion that an unprecedented in history attempt has been made to develop the ancient urban planning in the challenging semi-mountainous areas of the Eastern Rhodopes. It was then that new streets were laid out and monumental public buildings and houses, temples and fortified strongholds were erected in the Acropolis of Perperikon. With the conversion to Christianity in the early fifth century, remarkable churches were built on the site of pagan temples.

Life in Perperikon went on even in the period between the early decades of the seventh and the beginning of the ninth century, when the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantium) had hard times. After the eighteenth or twelfth century, the city enjoyed prosperity once again, evolving into a major medieval centre, over which the Byzantine Empire and the Bulgarian Kingdom waged several wars. The place was desolate by the late fourteenth century, when even the Ottoman garrison left, stationed there after the castle was captured in 1361.

The book gives a detailed account of the unearthed monumental architecture of all historical periods. Published is also the significant thirteenth-fourteenth-century medieval necropolis. Highly informative are the parts containing over 5,000 coins dating from the fifth century BC to the fourteenth century AD; Byzantine lead seals; remarkable ethnographic artefacts. These lend more comprehensiveness and informativeness to the picture of the life in the ancient and medieval city of Perperikon.

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James Harvey Gaul: In Memoriam. In The Steps Of James Harvey Gaul. Vol. 1

James Harvey Gaul: In Memoriam. In The Steps Of James Harvey Gaul. Vol. 1

Author: Co.
Year of publication: 1998
ISBN: 9544910263
Pages: 418
Cover: hard cover, big size
Publisher: The James Harvey Gaul Fondation
Language: Multilingual

The new series of ‘The James Harvey Gaul Foundation – Sofia’ has the objective ‘to bring together scholarship by publishing up to-date, first-hand, detailed studies written mainly by scholars from south-eastern Europe on various aspects of the ancient history and archaeology of south-eastern Europe’ (p. iii).Thirty-four authors contribute in the first volume with articles on periods from the late Paleolithic to the early Iron Ages. Since it is not possible to discuss all papers in detail, this short book note will only summarize the overall research focus of the volume, and briefly comment on some thematic and chronological issues of the prehistory of the Balkans. The publication of the excavation at Kamenska Cuka in southwestern Bulgaria (1993-1995) by M. Stefanovich and H.A. Bankoff is the cornerstone of the volume (pp. 255-338). A building was buried under a tumulus (c. 30 m in diameterand 5 mhigh) which was used as a burial mound in the Roman period. The two-storey high and quadrangular shaped building,which must have dominated the local landscape, has been excavated – in total anarea of more than 320 m2. The walls had no substructure or foundation trench, but rather dividing walls. It has to be stressed that it contained a rich ceramics inventory. Archaeological, radiocarbon and archaeo magnetic dating place the building in the late Bronze Age (fourteenth-twelfth centuries BC). Several authors in the volume publish new data from the Neolithic period. S. Chohadzhiev and V. Genadieva (pp. 79-89), for example, present new evidence of white painted pottery from the Nevestino site from the middle Strumavalley, which has some parallels with the earliest whitepainted pottery in the northern Balkans. I. Vajsov (pp. 107-141) suggests a new typology of Neolithic figurines from the Balkans based on new evidence from northeastern Bulgaria. In addition to the typology, the author discusses the so-called monochrome stage of the early Neolithic in southeastern Europe and scrutinizes the chronology and geographic distribution of the different figurine types. M. Özdogan and Y. Dede, on the other hand, produce a detailed study of ananthropomorphic vessel from Toptepe(south-eastern Thrace) from the late sixth millennium BC (pp.143-151). Articles on the Copper Age include V.Ya. Sorokin and I.A. Boreznyak’s paper on the Tripolje BII figurines from Yablona I (Moldova). The illustrations of 78 figurines summarize the different types of figurines from this site. There are also seven male figurines, which are usually rare finds in Carpatho-Balkan prehistory. In another paper from this time period, V. Popov argues on the basis of the stratigraphy of the tell in Rousse that the earlier levels indicate an occupation from the beginning of the Chalcolithic (pp. 183- 196). H. Todorova (pp. 43, 45) and Ya. Boyadzhiev (pp. 353-360) deal with the following period and discuss the so-called ‘invasion theory’ as the trigger ofimportant evident culture changes in the fourth millennium BC in the Balkans. However, recent archaeological evidence from the Balkans in the fourth and third millennia BC suggests that the seprocesses are more complex and most likely based on social transformations within this region. It can be argued that the Pit-Grave culture represents a foreign component in this area from the later early Bronze Age I on wards but consequently was integrated within the local population.

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Fifty women in Bulgarian painting

Fifty women in Bulgarian painting

Author: Co.
Year of publication: 2020
ISBN: 9789549473490
Pages: 205
Cover: hard cover, big size
Publisher: SGHG
Language: English and Bulgarian

This luxurious album presents readers with a carefully selected collection of artworks by fifty female artists who worked in the genre of painting in Bulgaria during the period from National Liberation (1878) until around the end of 20-th century. Given the large number of women who also worked in other areas of the plastic arts in Bulgaria (graphics, sculptures, ceramics, textiles) across a span of more than a hundred years we considered it appropriate to restrict the panorama of names and artworks to painting only.

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Taste for luxury: Roman mosaics from Bulgaria

Taste for luxury: Roman mosaics from Bulgaria

Author: Mario Ivanov, Veselka Katsarova
Year of publication: 2019
ISBN: 9789549472844
Pages: 144
Cover: paperback
Publisher: Natsionalen arkheologicheski institut s muzeĭ BAN
Language: English and Bulgarian

“Taste for luxury: Roman mosaics from Bulgaria” . Exhibition catalogue (National archaeological museum. Catalogues, volume 17)
Table of contents
M. Ivanov. Roman mosaics: History and local development
V. Katsarova. The houses of the wealthy people on the territory of present-day Bulgaria in the Roman period and Late Antiquity
I. Vanev. Preservation and protection of mosaic floors in Bulgaria
G. Kabakchieva. Mosaic with portraits and mythological scenes, room 10, Roman villa “Armira”
G. Kabakchieva. Mosaic with Medusa and the winds, room 6, Roman villa “Armira”
R. Spasov. Mosaic with the labours of Heracles, Pautalia
G. Kabakchieva. “The Metamorphosis of Cyparissus” mosaic, Ulpia Oescus
G. Kabakchieva. “The Achaeans” mosaic, Ulpia Oescus
M. Ivanov. “Narcissus” mosaic, Philippopolis
M. Ivanov. Mosaic decoration of “Eirene” building, Philippopolis
A. Minchev. Mosaics in the “House of Antiope”, Marcianopolis
M. Markov. Mosaic with a monogram, Montana
K. Kalchev, M. Kamisheva. “The Spring of life” mosaic, Augusta Traiana
M. Kamisheva. Mosaic with Dionysiac thiasos, Augusta Traiana
K. Kalchev, M. Kamisheva. Mosaic from a representative residential building, Southeastern parf ot Augusta Traiana
M. Ivanov. “The Seasons” mosaic, Serdica
M. Ivanov. Felix mosaic, Serdica
M. Vaklinova. Mosaic floor with geometric decoration, Nicopolis an Nestum

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Konstantin Shtarkelov. The solitary wanderer. 130 years since the birth of the artist

Konstantin Shtarkelov. The solitary wanderer. 130 years since the birth of the artist

Author: Co.
Year of publication: 2020
ISBN: 9786197195217
Pages: 470
Cover: hard cover, big size
Publisher: SGHG
Language: English and Bulgarian

This is a catalog of the exhibition from June to October, 2020 at Sofia City Art Gallery. The exhibition presents Constantine Starkelov’s life and art based on archival material, namely photographs, personal diaries, recollections, letters from contemporaries of the artist, documents, articles and reviews concerning his artworks featured in newspapers and magazines, and last but not least, works by the artist created throughout his career.

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The Post-Byzantine Greek and Slavic Archives of the Athonite Monastery of Kastamonitou and its History according to the So-Called Legend (Logos Historikos) of Kastamonitou (Codex Kastamonitou no. 114). Diplomatic Edition of 46 Greek, Serbian, Moldavian and Wallachian Documents Kept in Kastamonitou (1429—1819), Protaton (1784—1856) and Docheiariou (1578—1763). Critical Edition of Codex Kastamonitou No.114 and Of The Legend Of Kastamonitou

The Post-Byzantine Greek and Slavic Archives of the Athonite Monastery of Kastamonitou and its History according to the So-Called Legend (Logos Historikos) of Kastamonitou (Codex Kastamonitou no. 114). Diplomatic Edition of 46 Greek, Serbian, Moldavian and Wallachian Documents Kept in Kastamonitou (1429—1819), Protaton (1784—1856) and Docheiariou (1578—1763). Critical Edition of Codex Kastamonitou No.114 and Of The Legend Of Kastamonitou

Author: Cyril Pavlikianov
Year of publication: 2020
ISBN: 9789540749433
Pages: 560
Cover: hard cover
Publisher: UI „Sv. Kliment Okhridski”
Language: English

Prof. Dr. Cyril P. Pavlikianov, Dr. Habilitatus (D.Sc.), Ph.D., M.A. was born in Sofia in 1965. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in Byzantine History at the National and Capodistrian University of Athens in 1998. He has been Assistant Professor of Modern Greek Philology (1998–2001) and Associate Professor of Byzantine Literature (2001–2007) at the Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology of the University of Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski”. In 2004 he obtained the scholarly degree Doctor Habilitatus (Doctor Scientiarum) in Mediaeval History, and in 2007 he was elected full Professor of Byzantine Philology and Palaeography.
The monograph offers the reader a critical edition of all the post-Byzantine Greek and Slavic acts kept in the Athonite monastery of Kastamonitou (30 documents). Moreover, it publishes the texts of 10 acts of Kastamonitou preserved in the archives of the Protaton, 6 acts of Docheiariou pertaining to Kastamonitou, and the full text of Codex Kastamonitou no. 114, which contains the so-called “The Legend of Kastamonitou”, or “Logos Historikos about Kastamonitou”.

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Verb activator for 212 Bulgarian verbs fully conjugated in 7 tenses and 3 moods

Author: Albena Simeonova, Antoaneta Getova
Year of publication: 2011
ISBN: 9789549462616
Pages: 237
Cover: e-book
Publisher: Vanio Nedkov
Language: English and Bulgarian

Second edition. The book is the first practical guide to Bulgarian verb forms presented in well-organized tables to help foreigners study conjugation systematically. The main body of the book offers 212 most common Bulgarian verbs fully conjugated in 7 tenses and 3 moods. It is accompanied by a short practical overview of Bulgarian verb system in English plus 3 additional dictionaries of Bulgarian Verbs. The authors Albena Simeonova and Antoaneta Getova, who are Language Instructors at the American Embassy in Sofia, have designed a learner-friendly reference tool for Bulgarian language learners who master the intricacies of the Bulgarian verb system, as well as for those taking their first steps in Bulgarian language.

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The Symbols of Bulgaria

The Symbols of Bulgaria

Author: Tanya Nikolova
Year of publication: 2019
ISBN: 9789544631987
Pages: 328
Cover: hard cover
Publisher: Bulgarski bestselur
Language: English and Bulgarian

English and Bulgarian text. “The Symbols of Bulgaria” This book is an attempt on 328 richly illustrated and luxuriously designed pages to collect and present most of Bulgaria’s symbols – that, which is valuable to the Bulgarians, which presents Bulgaria as a country with ancient culture and glorious history. In alphabetical order, in more than 140 articles are presented historical and natural landmarks, personalities, customs, traditions, folklore, and works of folk art, which are valued by every Bulgarian. Also included are concepts, which are difficult to classify but affect every Bulgarian. “The Symbols of Bulgaria” brings together everything that means “Bulgarian”, “Motherland”, “Bulgaria”, while striving for the information to be as complete, detailed and accurate as possible. A contribution for this is the rich illustrative and photographic material that supports and complements the content of the articles.

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Thracian Secret Societies

Thracian Secret Societies

Author: Valeria Fol
Year of publication: 2020
ISBN: 9786199150702
Pages: 216
Cover: hard cover
Publisher: Tangra TanNakRa
Language: English and Bulgarian

English and Bulgarian text. The monograph centers on men’s secret societies of aristocrats in Ancient Thrace. The knowledge and rites, in which the brotherhood’s members are initiated, are linked to Thracian royal ideology and oral Thracian Orphism. The author also discusses the available information about specific behavioral restrictions and prohibitions, that abide the aristocrats-priest-warriors, the sacred drinks, the words of the sacred language and various ritual practices.

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The coinage of Philippopolis.
Volume 1: Chronology of Philipopolis Coinage, Dating, Reverse Types, Denominations.
Volume 2: Catalogue

Author: Ivan Varbanov
Year of publication: 2019
ISBN: 9789549080193; 9789549080100
Pages: 622
Cover: hard cover
Publisher: Adikom
Language: English

In the first volume, the chronology of the Philippopolis coinage and all the averse coin types are presented, as well as all varieties of their averse and reverse inscriptions. The dating of these coins, which is an important element of their identification, is also presented in details. The reverse types depicted on the Philippopolis coins, as well as all their variants, were examined in depth. An important part of the first volume is also the presentation of the denominations issued in this mint. Generally, they are divided into six separate denominations, as the medallions are presented separately. Each nominal is presented using detailed tables with all the available parameters of the specimens used. At the end of each denomination, the average coin parameters of each emperor or member of his family, whose images are depicted on coins of that denomination, are presented. There are graphs added, showing a graphical representation of the maximum, the average and the minimum coin weight of the respective denomination, which enables the graphical tracing of the changes at the different emperors. There are also graphs giving the maximum, the average and the minimum coin diameter of each denomination where the changes of this parameter can be traced over time and with each emperor. There are inevitably such that lack some of their parameters: size, weight or axis. All the parameters available have been used when compiling these tables, therefore a certain discrepancy may occur between the number of coins with a given diameter and of those with a given weight for each denomination. However, this method makes it possible for more information to be used for each parameter of the corresponding denomination, which makes the average parameter much more accurate and minimizes its interpolation.
In the second volume, the systematized catalog with the coin images is presented. For the creation of this catalog have been used  over 8000 coins from the Philippopolis mint. Due to the large contents of all available specimens, the catalog has been optimized and an optimal number of coins is presented so that absolutely all the subspecies and varieties specified in this study can be presented.

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Josef Pitter (1881 – 1925)

Josef Pitter (1881 – 1925)

Author: Co.
Year of publication: 2015
ISBN: 9789543984145
Pages: 173
Cover: hard cover
Publisher: Trud, Bulgarian Cultural Institute – Praga
Language: Bulgarian, English and Czech

This multilingual album contains the biography and an album with more than 200 works and documents by the Czech artist lived in Bulgaria – Josef Pitter (1881 – 1925). This catalogue of the artist consider to be the founder of Bulgarian printed graphics, is once again a testimony to the role Czech culture plays in the development of an independent Bulgaria. It reveals yet another aspect of the Czech presence in Bulgaria, of the creative and spiritual achievements of Czech intellectuals realized in Bulgaria; and affords an opportunity to give deserved attention to a great master and his outstanding contribution to the Czech artist Josef Pitter is associated with the history of Bulgarian culture of the early 20th century.

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Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum: Bulgaria. Numismatic Museum Ruse Collection. Thrace & Moesia Inferior. Volume 2: Apollonia Pontica

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum: Bulgaria. Numismatic Museum Ruse Collection. Thrace & Moesia Inferior. Volume 2: Apollonia Pontica

Author: Dimitar Draganov
Year of publication: 2017
ISBN: 9789549460063
Pages: 128
Cover: hard cover
Publisher: Bobokov Bros. Foundation
Language: English

The second volume of Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum: Bulgaria presents one of the finest collections of coins of Apollonia Pontica — one of the most important Greek colonies on the western Black Sea coast. The collection consists of 550 specimens, including: bronze arrowhead coins from 6th—5th c. BC, silver and bronze civic coins from the period 5th—1st c. BC, as well as Roman provincial coins. Almost all known coin types and denominations, as well as some unpublished variants are attested. The collection includes parts of two exceptionally interesting and scholarly important hoards of silver coins — one consisting only of rare tetradrachms of Apollonia – 30 coins, the other of diobols of Apollonia – 31 coins and diobols of Mesembria – 35 coins.

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Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum: Bulgaria. … Ruse, Bobokov Bros. Collection … Thrace and Moesia Inferior Volume 1: Deultum

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum: Bulgaria. … Ruse, Bobokov Bros. Collection … Thrace and Moesia Inferior Volume 1: Deultum

Author: Dimitar Draganov
Year of publication: 2005
ISBN: 9789549460018
Pages: 304
Cover: hard cover
Publisher: Bobokov Bros. Foundation
Language: English

The first volume of Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum: Bulgaria catalogues 2010 coins of the Roman colony of Deultum (Colonia Flavia Pacis Deultensium) in Thrace and represents the most complete collection of coins of this city in the world. The collection, formed over many years, largely from material found in Southern Bulgaria, includes many unpublished coin types, as well as a vast number of new (primary legend) variants. The large body of material has allowed for the correction of many erroneous coin descriptions made by previous scholars. It also provides a thorough overview of Deultum’s coinage.

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Ex Nummis Lux: Studies in Ancient Numismatics in Honour of Dimitar Draganov

Ex Nummis Lux: Studies in Ancient Numismatics in Honour of Dimitar Draganov

Author: Dilyana Boteva
Year of publication: 2017
ISBN: 9789549460070
Pages: 480
Cover: hard cover
Publisher: Bobokov Bros. Foundation
Language: English, French and German

Some articles are are in English, some in French, some in German, some in Italian text.
Table of contents
U. Kampmann. For my Bulgarian friend Dimitar Draganov
O. Picard. Thasos et les Thraces: Une vue d’ensemble
V. Grigorova-Gencheva, I. Prokopov. New hoards with small denomination coins of the island of Thasos (6th—5th century BC): Context, interpretation and dating
G. Talmaţchi. About the chronology of monetary signs based on the last results of the Dobrudjan archaeological researches
E. Paunov. The tetradrachm coinage of Apollonia Pontica: Iconography, issues and magistrates
H. Ivanova. Three deposits of Apollonian silver and their historical embedment
B. Ruseva. The Seleucid bronze coins from “emporion Pistiros”
M. Manov. The earliest bronze coins of the king Kavaros
M. Mielszarek. Leucon II, king of Bosporus, Polyaenus and pseudo-Aristoteles
E. Petac, A. Vîlcu. “Tomis” or Asia Minor? About the Alexander the Great type tetradrachms Price 1211—1213
G. Terzian. Black Sea tetradrachms with grape bunch symbol: A supplement to Price
F. de Callataÿ. Overstrikes of late Mesambrian Alexanders: The great unbalance of their distribution and what they tell us about the logic behind
I. Lazarenko. Lead weights of Lysimacheia from Southeastern Bulgaria
A. Vîlcu, E. Nicolae. Nouvelles données sur la penetration des monnaies grecques en Bessarabie aux IVe-Ie siècles av. J.—C. C. Marinescu.
The Lysimachi coinage of Cius, Bithynia
D. Lenger. Not Thymbra in Troad but Thyessos in Lydia
P. Delev. Cotys son of Seuthes
R. Martini. Countermarks with “god standing” and “spiked helmet” types struck in Sicily on Rome-minted Augustan sesterces from the Moesia-Thrace region: New evidence of legionary movements in Julian-Claudian times
D. Calomino. The coinage of Dionysopolis and the system of coin production in Moesia Inferior at the end of the Severan age
K. Butcher. Arbitrary standards on the co-called four-and-a-half assaria coins from Tomis, and value marks on coins of Moesia and Thrace
M. Amandry. Térée et Procné représentés sur le monnayage de Bizye?
Y. Stoyas. Where swallows fear to tread: Kapaneus teichomaches on coins of Bizye
L. Grozdanova. “Caracalla or Elagabalus?” again — the case of Pautalia
U. Peter. Der Senatskaiser Pupienus in Thrakien? Zu einem Medaillon aus Perinth
D. Boteva. Gordian III and Philip II on coin observes with two face-to-face busts depicting Sarapis/Theos Megas
A. Cavagna. Le monete Provincia Dacia del III anno
C. Găzdac. Memoria sociale e statuto. Monete romane in tombe medievale del necropoli da Noşlac, Romania
R. Ardevan. A preliminary presentation of the late Roman coin hoard of Radimna (4th century AD)
D. Macdonald. Ancient weight alterations of silver and gold coins
H. Komnick. Anmerkungen zur Goldquinarprägung der valerianischen Zeit
W. Leschhorn. Die Beamtennamen auf den Münzen Thrakiens in vorrömischer Zeit
K. Dahmen. King in a small world: Depiction of Alexander the Great on his shields and armour
J. Tzvetkova. Jewellery on Greek coins from Thrace
M. Molianri, V. Piva. A collection of coins from the Northern Black Sea in the Capitoline Coin Cabinet
E. Stolyarnik. Historiography of the ancient Scythian kingdom of Scythia Minor
Y. Hourmouziadis. Crimean Peninsula and the Cimmerian Bosporus: 2500 years of history and numismatics
Selected bibliography of the writings of Prof. Dr. Dimitar Draganov

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Sofia – Architectural Guide

Sofia – Architectural Guide

Author: Georgi Stanishev
Year of publication: 2019
ISBN: 9783869226576
Pages: 320
Cover: paperback
Publisher: Iztok – Zapad
Language: English

Sofia is one of the oldest cities in Europe, and it ­remains a relatively undiscovered melting pot of Eastern and Western cultures. Its urban ­fabric comprises a vast range of archi­tec­tures, with structures by the ancient ­Thracians, the ­Romans, the Byzantines, as well as works from the ­Bulgarian medieval era, the ­Ottoman Empire, and the modern day, including the peculiar period of communist historicism and modernism. This book presents the city and its capacity to produce a ­singular architectural experience by tracing its ­geography and dissecting its historical layers.Archi­tectural Guide ­Sofia ­catalogues not only monuments and sites overlooked by standard tourist guides, but also the city’s most recent buildings, highlighting innovative works by contemporary architects. It profiles 200 selected structures from different eras, explores the genesis of the local architectures, and analyses the architectural details born out of clashes of various stylistic influences. Maps, illustrations, and an ­extensive bibliography help readers and ­travellers experience the extraordinary diversity of Sofia’s built environment.

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The Treasures of Bulgaria

The Treasures of Bulgaria

Author: Rumyana Nikolova and Nikolai Genov
Year of publication: 2019
ISBN: 9789542827719
Pages: 448
Cover: hard cover
Publisher: Ciela
Language: English and Bulgarian

Bulgaria keeps, as if in a vault, natural phenomena of immense value. There are no world records here, but a territory as small as that contains a remarkable variety of natural wonders, plants and wildlife, reminiscences of our planet’s early days. The natural phenomena have their own special place in the book. Every other step you encounter a new miracle or curiosity in Bulgaria’s awe-inspiring landscape, rippled by mountain chains. Wild animals and hundreds of flowers, shrubs and trees have chosen Bulgaria as their homeland.The world’s most beautiful encounter between sea and land is here.

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Our suggestions

Répertoire des manuscrits grecs enluminés (IX e – X e s.) Vol. 1

Répertoire des manuscrits grecs enluminés (IX e – X e s.) Vol. 1

Author: Axinia Dzurova
Year of publication: 2006
ISBN: 9540723736, 9789540723730
Pages: 326
Cover: hard cover, big size
Publisher: UI Sv. Kliment Okhridski
Language: French and Bulgarian

The edition is the first volume of the Repertoire of decorated Greek manuscripts from the biggest collection in Bulgaria,numbering about 460 units of IX to XIX century, kept at the Centre forSlavo-Byzantine Studies “Ivan Duichev” to the Sofia University “St.Kliment Okhridski”. This collection includes Greek manuscripts from twolarge monasteries of Northern Greece – “St. John the Precursor” nearSerres and “St. Mary Ikosifinitsa” near Drama, as well as from the private libraries of professors Ivan Duichev, Asen Vasilev, PeturDinekov, from the Sofia University Library and from purchases and donations since 1988, after the opening of the Centre” Ivan Duichev”.
The first volume provides a complete repertoire of ornamental decoration and miniatures of 11 Codes and 6 fragments from the IX-X century.

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Répertoire des manuscrits grecs enluminés (XI e – XII e s.) Vol. 2

Répertoire des manuscrits grecs enluminés (XI e – XII e s.) Vol. 2

Author: Axinia Dzurova
Year of publication: 2021
ISBN: 9789540755083
Pages: 454
Cover: hard cover, big size
Publisher: UI Sv. Kliment Okhridski
Language: French and Bulgarian

The book examines the repertoire of Greek decorated manuscripts from the XI-XII centuries.
Table of contents:
Manuscrits bibliques
Manuscrits patristiques
Manuscrits hagiographiques

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Repertoire des manuscrits grecs enlumines (XІII e – XІV e s.) Vol. 3

Repertoire des manuscrits grecs enlumines (XІII e – XІV e s.) Vol. 3

Author: Axinia Dzurova
Year of publication: 2022
ISBN: 9789540755236
Pages: 482
Cover: hard cover, big size
Publisher: UI Sv. Kliment Okhridski
Language: French and Bulgarian

The edition is a result of nearly 50 years of research by the author of the largest collection of Greek manuscripts preserved on the territory of Bulgaria, spanning the chronological range from the 9th to the 19th century. Of the over 450 Greek manuscripts, half of them are from the 9th-14th century period. From them, the author has selected 86 in view of the peculiarities of their decoration.   Each volume contains a preface outlining the peculiarities of the different types and styles in the decoration of the respective period; annotations to each manuscript, with an emphasis on the decoration and illustrations and its location within a wide geographical area, covering both the production of the Constantinople workshops and those of Mainland Greece, as well as production in the eastern and western Byzantine provinces. Each manuscript is also represented by color illustrations.

The series is intended for specialists in the decoration of medieval manuscripts, but also for teaching students of Greek palaeography, codicology and art history, in a word for those interested in medieval codex culture in general. The three volumes are also of interest to researchers of the Slavic manuscript tradition, which developed in direct connection with that of Byzantium, but also suffered its own modifications and interpretations. In general, the research is the result of the author’s long-term studies in the field of model-recipient, center-periphery relationships, scriptoriums and traveling writers and calligraphers.

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The Post-Byzantine Greek and Slavic Archives of the Athonite Monastery of Kastamonitou and its History according to the So-Called Legend (Logos Historikos) of Kastamonitou (Codex Kastamonitou no. 114). Diplomatic Edition of 46 Greek, Serbian, Moldavian and Wallachian Documents Kept in Kastamonitou (1429—1819), Protaton (1784—1856) and Docheiariou (1578—1763). Critical Edition of Codex Kastamonitou No.114 and Of The Legend Of Kastamonitou

The Post-Byzantine Greek and Slavic Archives of the Athonite Monastery of Kastamonitou and its History according to the So-Called Legend (Logos Historikos) of Kastamonitou (Codex Kastamonitou no. 114). Diplomatic Edition of 46 Greek, Serbian, Moldavian and Wallachian Documents Kept in Kastamonitou (1429—1819), Protaton (1784—1856) and Docheiariou (1578—1763). Critical Edition of Codex Kastamonitou No.114 and Of The Legend Of Kastamonitou

Author: Cyril Pavlikianov
Year of publication: 2020
ISBN: 9789540749433
Pages: 560
Cover: hard cover
Publisher: UI „Sv. Kliment Okhridski”
Language: English

Prof. Dr. Cyril P. Pavlikianov, Dr. Habilitatus (D.Sc.), Ph.D., M.A. was born in Sofia in 1965. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in Byzantine History at the National and Capodistrian University of Athens in 1998. He has been Assistant Professor of Modern Greek Philology (1998–2001) and Associate Professor of Byzantine Literature (2001–2007) at the Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology of the University of Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski”. In 2004 he obtained the scholarly degree Doctor Habilitatus (Doctor Scientiarum) in Mediaeval History, and in 2007 he was elected full Professor of Byzantine Philology and Palaeography.
The monograph offers the reader a critical edition of all the post-Byzantine Greek and Slavic acts kept in the Athonite monastery of Kastamonitou (30 documents). Moreover, it publishes the texts of 10 acts of Kastamonitou preserved in the archives of the Protaton, 6 acts of Docheiariou pertaining to Kastamonitou, and the full text of Codex Kastamonitou no. 114, which contains the so-called “The Legend of Kastamonitou”, or “Logos Historikos about Kastamonitou”.

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Thracian Secret Societies

Thracian Secret Societies

Author: Valeria Fol
Year of publication: 2020
ISBN: 9786199150702
Pages: 216
Cover: hard cover
Publisher: Tangra TanNakRa
Language: English and Bulgarian

English and Bulgarian text. The monograph centers on men’s secret societies of aristocrats in Ancient Thrace. The knowledge and rites, in which the brotherhood’s members are initiated, are linked to Thracian royal ideology and oral Thracian Orphism. The author also discusses the available information about specific behavioral restrictions and prohibitions, that abide the aristocrats-priest-warriors, the sacred drinks, the words of the sacred language and various ritual practices.

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The coinage of Philippopolis.
Volume 1: Chronology of Philipopolis Coinage, Dating, Reverse Types, Denominations.
Volume 2: Catalogue

Author: Ivan Varbanov
Year of publication: 2019
ISBN: 9789549080193; 9789549080100
Pages: 622
Cover: hard cover
Publisher: Adikom
Language: English

In the first volume, the chronology of the Philippopolis coinage and all the averse coin types are presented, as well as all varieties of their averse and reverse inscriptions. The dating of these coins, which is an important element of their identification, is also presented in details. The reverse types depicted on the Philippopolis coins, as well as all their variants, were examined in depth. An important part of the first volume is also the presentation of the denominations issued in this mint. Generally, they are divided into six separate denominations, as the medallions are presented separately. Each nominal is presented using detailed tables with all the available parameters of the specimens used. At the end of each denomination, the average coin parameters of each emperor or member of his family, whose images are depicted on coins of that denomination, are presented. There are graphs added, showing a graphical representation of the maximum, the average and the minimum coin weight of the respective denomination, which enables the graphical tracing of the changes at the different emperors. There are also graphs giving the maximum, the average and the minimum coin diameter of each denomination where the changes of this parameter can be traced over time and with each emperor. There are inevitably such that lack some of their parameters: size, weight or axis. All the parameters available have been used when compiling these tables, therefore a certain discrepancy may occur between the number of coins with a given diameter and of those with a given weight for each denomination. However, this method makes it possible for more information to be used for each parameter of the corresponding denomination, which makes the average parameter much more accurate and minimizes its interpolation.
In the second volume, the systematized catalog with the coin images is presented. For the creation of this catalog have been used  over 8000 coins from the Philippopolis mint. Due to the large contents of all available specimens, the catalog has been optimized and an optimal number of coins is presented so that absolutely all the subspecies and varieties specified in this study can be presented.

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Josef Pitter (1881 – 1925)

Josef Pitter (1881 – 1925)

Author: Co.
Year of publication: 2015
ISBN: 9789543984145
Pages: 173
Cover: hard cover
Publisher: Trud, Bulgarian Cultural Institute – Praga
Language: Bulgarian, English and Czech

This multilingual album contains the biography and an album with more than 200 works and documents by the Czech artist lived in Bulgaria – Josef Pitter (1881 – 1925). This catalogue of the artist consider to be the founder of Bulgarian printed graphics, is once again a testimony to the role Czech culture plays in the development of an independent Bulgaria. It reveals yet another aspect of the Czech presence in Bulgaria, of the creative and spiritual achievements of Czech intellectuals realized in Bulgaria; and affords an opportunity to give deserved attention to a great master and his outstanding contribution to the Czech artist Josef Pitter is associated with the history of Bulgarian culture of the early 20th century.

If you need information about other Bulgarian books and periodicals – please do not hesitate to contact us!!!

The Treasures of Bulgaria

The Treasures of Bulgaria

Author: Rumyana Nikolova and Nikolai Genov
Year of publication: 2019
ISBN: 9789542827719
Pages: 448 
Cover: hard cover
Publisher: Ciela
Language: English and Bulgarian

Bulgaria keeps, as if in a vault, natural phenomena of immense value. There are no world records here, but a territory as small as that contains a remarkable variety of natural wonders, plants and wildlife, reminiscences of our planet’s early days. The natural phenomena have their own special place in the book. Every other step you encounter a new miracle or curiosity in Bulgaria’s awe-inspiring landscape, rippled by mountain chains. Wild animals and hundreds of flowers, shrubs and trees have chosen Bulgaria as their homeland.The world’s most beautiful encounter between sea and land is here.

If you need information about other Bulgarian books and periodicals – please do not hesitate to contact us!!!

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