Archaeologia Bulgarica

Author: Co.
ISSN: 1310-9537
Cover: paperback
Text in English
Archaeologia Bulgarica is a scientific journal that has been published since 1997 without any interruption. The journal is ranked “INT2” by the European Reference Index for the Humanities and covered in Scopus. It is peer-reviewed journal about interdisciplinary research in archaeology of Southeast Europe. The journal features studies and reviews in English, German and French. It is published every four months. Archaeologia Bulgarica’s editor-in-chief is Dr. Lyudmil Vagalinski, associate professor of classic archaeology at the National institute of archaeology with museum (Bulgarian academy of sciences).
Editorial board: Prof. László Bartosiewicz (Budapest, Hungary); Prof. Florin Curta (Gainesville, Florida, Usa); Prof. Inci Delemen (Istanbul, Turkey); Prof. Haskel Greenfield (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada); Dr. Jean-Luc Guadelli (Bordeaux, France); Prof. Ulla Lund Hansen (Copenhagen, Denmark); Prof. Boris Magomedov (Kiev, Ukraine); Prof. J. Megaw (Adelaide, Australia); Prof. Aristotle Mentzos (Thessaloniki, Greece); Prof. Marcel Otte (Liège, Belgium); Prof. Thilo Rehren (Doha, Qatar); Nikolay Sharankov (Sofia, Bulgaria); Dr. Rastko Vasić (Belgrade, Serbia); Prof. Jak Yakar (Tel Aviv, Israel).
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Bulgarski ezik

Author: Co.
ISSN: 0005-4283
Cover: paperback
Publisher: Bulgarian Language Institute at The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Text in Bulgarian
“Bulgarian langurage”. The journal’s articles and reports, published four times a year, provide authoritative work on wide range of linguistic themes covering phonetics, morphology, lexicology and syntax, both synchronically and diachronically. All materials are peer-reviewed and thus it becomes an adequate reflection of the methodological innovations of the members of the Institute and their most serious attainments. A valuable part of those publications is the Bulgarian linguistic bibliography complemented by the international work in the field.
“Bulgarski ezik” offers scholarly answers to social needs concerning speech culture. It contains regular columns on arising questions and themes of language use and practice.
Being the centre of scholarly publishing in the field of Bulgarian language studies “Bulgarski ezik” attracts authors from all universities of the country. The Editorial Council includes the most influential international scholars of Bulgarian who in their turn raise its prestige among experts in the field of Slavonic studies.
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Author: Co.
ISSN: 0204-4021
Cover: paperback
Publisher: Cyrillo-Methodian Research Centre
Text in Bulgarian
Summary in English
The international peer-reviewed journal “Palaeobulgarica” is dedicated to complex study of the problems of Bulgarian medieval written culture, which are closely related to the cultural development of the other Slavic countries, of the neighbouring Balkan countries, as well as of the spiritual and cultural phenomena and processes throughout Europe.
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